
It’s a challenge for me to keep walking

Because all along the way I feel their eyes

And see them on their arcane thrones

Every step of mine is scrutinised

And every word placed under a fine tooth comb

They claim proudly in their tongue that their land is warm

But the frost developed over my heart knows it’s a lie

I often refuse to concern myself with their condescending advice

Because I know I am the only person who can change my life

I often feel left out and ganged up against 

But it’s the price you pay for being different 

The rivers, the birds and the way of people is foreign 

But only the sky and its stars remind me of home

I am homebound but no longer know what home is

I seem to be trying to reach a place that exists only in broken memories 

And sung in folk songs by old men with no families or shelter

I just follow the  moon like moths looking for light 

My footsteps proceed rapidly and I let go of all my attachments 

I am now a wanderer, looking for a place where I truly belong  

4 thoughts on “Foreigner 

  1. The poem holds a mirror in front of every non-conformist rebel who is and wants to be different from others. He shud pursue a path of his own & leave a trail behind… his own signature style.. great reading!

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