A Toast To The Dead

This is a toast to the dead

To those who were killed

Because they spoke their minds

Those who were killed

Because they spoke against irrationally 

Against division, against superstition 

Rationalists and humanitarians

Who wished to see peace

Who spoke against blind faith

But were slaughtered for honour and righteousness 

I wish to ask the killers and their justifiers 

‘Did you kill on God’s command?’

‘Is your faith greater than another’s life?’

‘Is your faith so fragile, that mere words and cartoons can shake it?’

You can kill the atheists and kill the freethinkers 

But you will alienate your own followers

Don’t look at the Middle East

The land of extremism could soon be ours

This a toast to the fearless revolutionaries

Their sacrifice will never be forgotten 

Men die, women die but ideas don’t 

They died for our sins

Now their blood is our ink

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